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Sunday, April 03, 2005

2 days before tuition weeks start

Haih, this morning woke up very early, around 6 sumthing, need to go Sibuti, Bekenu do some serious home around 3 something, got an sms from Roger, saying all engineers from Curtin are invited for a buffet dinner at Grand Palace tonight, strange enough, I didn't get such a mail for confirmation.

Well, logged on to the internet & we both (Roger & I) had a feeling we should start writing blogs from now on, there's a need for a change, in all matters. As the chinese saying goes: 穷则变, 变则通, 通则久! Well, I'm not sure if i got this saying right in this sense but it's good enough, for me!

Erhmm, yesterday we went to SESCo to do a survey with regards to our communication's research project, Alan & Raymond were the ones who arranged the meeting with the General Manager of course...... We were treated very much like VIP. You bet it was a really interesting event, I was lucky enough to have learnt so much from him, Mr Polycarp Wong, just from that one session. I was all fresh after that, implanted new thoughts & new concepts into my mind after rethinking of what he has said: "Employers are looking for leadership traits, great communication skills......Malaysian students should open up and change their mindset as not to be passive anymore......". It's a good start.

Haha, recently, Stanley gave me a link to a seriously astounding website //, I got to listen to all kind of music plays. Well, that's all for now....... sore ja, mata.


Blogger Zack_Tiang said...

hey Hey hey!!

What with you and Roger! Suddenly have the urge to start a blog as well! hahah!
What happened huh?
never really say in your blog!!

11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

finally you started a blog and then i have something to read liaw hehhehe. SESCO treat you like VIP because they scare they lose their customers. hahahha
go sibuti gao lin?

11:29 PM  

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