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Friday, October 28, 2005

Once upon a time

Once upon a time, I usually write up my blogs regularly (daily). Now I seem to be updating it every half a month. Ohh crap, I just couldn't find time I guess, or maybe you could put it this way, I couldn't find the mood! In other words, lazy, which I preferably refuse to use but it is that what's keeping me from writing.

Okay, what's happened in the past few weeks? Ohh ya, the Curtin Prom: Heaven on Earth, crap, we (Kevin, my sister, my sister's friends & I) weren't in time to get the tickets to the prom because we'd no idea how the tickets are sold. Or rather, I didn't expect it to be sold out that fast. According to Hybrid Zack, an old friend of mine, the tables were booked in advance, who knows how long ago and there were just not enough seats for everyone. The seats were booked for the council members and the CV, plus a few that I don't know of ...-.-" And tickets unclaimed would be available to us around 2/3 days before the prom, but alas, the case was different this year, there were no left over tickets. Ohh kay, so I saved alot of time to do my unfinished business that whole saturday.

My dance teacher, Mr Wong, proposed to group together 5 to 6 couples of dancers for a dance performance this coming December at Eastwood Valley (Golf Club). Hmmph, He said he'll train us for up to 20 lessons to get us into the dance, provided too that he'll "sponsor" our seats on the day of our performance. Man, it sounds like a generous offer & I'm giving it a shot. Come on, what's there to lose? For 20 lessons I guess I can somehow improve alot in Cha Cha and Jive. Plus, it should be fun, right? Of course I haven't encountered anything unpleasant before - as in complicated dance moves, but who knows what's gonna come up, hope it goes well and ends well.

This is the last teaching week of the semester, quite alot of homeworks are dued today. But 2 of them were postponed to Tuesday. Hmmph, most of them "seemed" to be completed. I guess we'll just have to keep the show rolling for half a week more.


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8:14 PM  

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