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Thursday, April 07, 2005

Mechanics Quiz & Computing Quiz, 丢!

丢, 今天早上上的数学课我和Roger, Gia Rong都在做着自己的数学题,根本没真正听书. 管他的, 反正都差不多一样. 接下去的课是 Eng. Communications, 怎么搞的? 我们的 1st Reflection report 只得那么一丁点的分数, 到底 Ms. Ainsley 想怎样?

下午, 考试, Eng. Computing, 到目前为止尚且过得去, 不知此境能维持多久, 希望我还能继续应付下去. 上完课后, 我们又去完成 Java程式, 搞定后本想尽快回家, 怎知......唉! 人算不如天算, 此句千真万确.

TUESDAY 5th April 2005

Holy, today sure is one hell of a day, got up quite early though, before 8AM, I recall; had to continue on my revision of that Eng. Mechanics lectures 2A, 2B & 2C. Completed half of it the day before though.

Got myself down onto the lecture hall, still studying by the way, even though lecture's on going, it's a "tradition" we Chung Hua Mirians inhereted for "centuries", the same goes for Roger & the others. The biggest joke of all is that Roger completely had no idea of the upcoming mechanics quiz, lucky for him, i guess! Since he didn't have to worry about it the day before. Ohh, the quiz this time was an awfully unpredicted piece of crap. Grabbed all of us by surprise, I guess I didn't do well for it, at least not satisfactory to my usual sense. However, this time, it was Carol who actually helped me out instead of me helping her out, hehehe, Thanks! But I discovered she really needs a little help in Eng. Computing, we'll see what we can do about that.

Ohh, I was too tired to even go on to writing my blog today, was too tired, even almost fallen asleep when watching the Dragonball movie I downloaded. When I got up in the morning, Mr. Ace, to my "surprise" asked me the reason I didn't update the blog, haha, this kia, really J. kia!


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