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Thursday, February 09, 2006

My blog

Well, seems like I really got lazy of writing or typing my own blog. Maybe there wasn't much happenings in recent times. School's gonna start on 27th.

CNY celebration was good this year. 1st time got 18 ppl (frens) gather at my house at one time. And at that time too I was in the middle of an awful sorethroat.

On the 2nd of Feb, we had a reunion dinner, it was meant for us who were in form 5 from SMK Chung Hua Miri in 2003. This time I get to see schoolmates whom I havent seen for 2 years. Got the chance to re-know everyone & possibly find out how everyone has changed. Not much change but still, there are changes.

Ohh man, back to the dancing practise again. This time we're doing a guest performance for Pei Min on the 12th of March, for some charity work I guess. The practise started as soon as 5th day of CNY... I skipped class for this week due to the hateful sorethroat & some persistant flu.


Blogger choco^cookie said...

Wao dude, you are dancing again cool! wish i can watch..hehe

7:54 AM  

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