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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Lazing off

Kao, have been very lazy to update my blog lately. Plus last few weeks really damn busy. This 2 weeks are the study leave, I hope I really put in some more effort to revise. Damn, can hardly concentrate these days......the mood is not here.

Ermm, recently have been playing an old game, called KKND, a game of which I've touched before but forgot its name & I doubt that many know about it, since I don't hear Mr Ace talk about it before, I wonder...

So this holiday is gonna be a surely boring one. I just hope to concentrate. God, bless me!

Saturday, May 21, 2005


Damn Damn! These few days my throat sore like hell...Damn damn! Suddenly it started on Monday night, the upper part of the throat gt a wierd wierd kinda feeling. Like very sensitve to pain. Then the nx day, ok lo, feels like abit better liaw......the pain went from upper part to middle throat there.....Diuuu, on Wednesday still the same, but I'm starting to get a cold, something like a flu.......Thursday the nose can puff fire liaw, the air breathe out is abit hot, that morning also the sound like started to change.....but friends say hardly notice, hehehehe, I'm good at this!

Then OK lorr, since body got heat, maybe go sweat sweat a little then can release the heat, planned to go out watch the atmosphere on Thursday night also......But after the badminton......Diuuu, and when around 7pm 8pm like dat started to feel headache......Maku! Worse lagi?

Friday liaw, the condition went all shitty even slept in d morning from 11am to 2pm, from upstairs bed to downstairs floor......Asked my mum make that Bee herb stuff for me. Drank quite alot of it, and the mint herb also. Damn larr, this time the illness so gesi 1, made me so miserable.

The next day, which is today, the sore seems like fade abit. Me feel better, at least the air breathe out is not as hot as Thursday's. Today I skipped the dance class, sheesh, dunno wut happened back there! Then I finished the OCD for Q1, then watch alot of Gundam today.......There goes the day!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Wind Indicator

Wah kao ehh, today spent like more than 1 hour stay back at school just to discuss the wind indicator project thing......Ok lorr, at least still got some progress. After that went home, was very tired liaw. Plus I really have a MFSOAB sore throat.......really ruin my mood larrrr......

The night came fast, installed a seriously old game named KKND - kill, krush & destroy.......duhh......y play dis kinda game ahh? Dunno, jus wanna c how "cai" the graphics was last time & wanna refeel the old game punya taste. Hahahaha!!!

Today din do much stuffs oso, managed to modify my program, turned fr 7 modules to 3 modules, hope it's ok.....thinking of sleeping early & getting up real early oso, wanna try dawn study.


Sunday, May 15, 2005

A not so beautiful day...

My Cousin Dylan says: do u play game?

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: wut games?
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: these days nt so free play games liaw

My Cousin Dylan says: lol
My Cousin Dylan says: wah so busy meh?

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: yeah, heard fr seniors, said dat 1st yr has changed so much compared to b4
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: they were never so busy lerr
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: darn

My Cousin Dylan says: good wot?
My Cousin Dylan says: can learn loadsa stuffs?

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: haha, dis line sounds familiar
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: like wut i said to u 3 yrs ago

My Cousin Dylan says: didy a?
My Cousin Dylan says: no leh where got?

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: gt
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: whn u were in UK, u said stuffs & I replied sumthin lidat

My Cousin Dylan says: no ler where got
My Cousin Dylan says: but wotever la
My Cousin Dylan says: now ur turn
My Cousin Dylan says: hahah
My Cousin Dylan says: but enjoy ur uni day
My Cousin Dylan says: u aint gonna haf much fun when ur out

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: but I'm goin to go out sooner or later
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: aih, money factor ehh?
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: u nvr thought of entrepreunarialship?

My Cousin Dylan says: entrepreuner? where doess ur budget come from?

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: 羊毛出在羊身上

My Cousin Dylan says: yea but then ur no a sheep then how u wanna turn urself into a sheep?

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: hahaha, say u can earn RM 1B in 3 yrs time if you loan for RM 100K nw, wud u do dat?

My Cousin Dylan says: lol, if so zap sou every1's doing it liaw la

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: da thing is, evry1 is thinking like dis, so nobody's doing
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: hahahaha
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: heard of a story?
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: 1 day, an average guy saw an advertisement in the newspaper
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: said a lambhor gallardo is to be sell at US$ 1.00
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: at a place wer the rich lives
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: he told his fren abt it
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: they laughed at him, saying he was naive & nobody wud gonna fall for such a catch
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: it's probably sumthing to get attention of ppl for other stuffs....
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: so the average man thinks: "well, it's worth a try! I'll stop by the place dis afternoon jus to take a look see!"
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: he went to the mansion, sure it was big, rang the doorbell & an old woman came out
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: he was hesitating but still asked abt the car
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: the woman said "come rite in"
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: showed him the car, let him hav a test-drive
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: after dat, the man was very satisfied, askd d woman, is it really for sale for US$ 1.00?
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: the woman affirmed him saying "yes"
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: b4 the young man drove off wif his new gallardo
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: he asked the old woman another question
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: "maam, I dunn get it....why?"
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: u guess wut she replied?

My Cousin Dylan says: wot
My Cousin Dylan says: cos i love u?
My Cousin Dylan says: :-)

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: nope
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: she said "My husband died 3 days ago......"
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: all he has left for me was dis mansion & a car dat was suppose to be for his younger wife....
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: but he let me decide wut price to sell for it
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: It's jus dat simple
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: get it?

My Cousin Dylan says: er....i think tats a totally different thing from the 100k to 1b

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: hahaha, u said who's gonna do it if it's dat easy or ......
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: thk deeper la
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: the possiblity is ther

My Cousin Dylan says: yea the possibility is there
My Cousin Dylan says: but WUD u dfo it?
My Cousin Dylan says: 100k to 1B?
My Cousin Dylan says: n wad kinda fucking business can u do to bring 100k to 1b?

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: it's nt impossible is it?

My Cousin Dylan says: think further
My Cousin Dylan says: not everythig is possible

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: if I knew at dis age...I won't be here, wud I?
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: Y not? U've surely heard of stupid strange things happening around & dat ppl turns into millionaires over the night......
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: wut else is impossible?
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: going to alpha century?

My Cousin Dylan says: ppl turns millionaire over the night is when they kena jackport
My Cousin Dylan says: otherwise wad is the possibility tat can cause this?

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: yeah, but ur jackpot is gonna be a different 1
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: wut do u thk we do wif a knife?

My Cousin Dylan says: knife?
My Cousin Dylan says: to?

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: isn't it an irony dat doctors use a killing tool to save lives?
Sir Adrian Wellesley says: not irony la, but thk abt it

My Cousin Dylan says: yea so?
My Cousin Dylan says: well he needs it to CUT sth?

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: u work for money rite?

My Cousin Dylan says: n the only thing tat can CUT sth is sth sharp such as knife?
My Cousin Dylan says: yea so?

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: y dunn let money work for u?

My Cousin Dylan says: oh??like how?

Sir Adrian Wellesley says: dat is for u to find out

Today I went to Dewan Dato Permaisuri at Permyjaya there. In charged of the games for station 5 together with Roger, Kevin, Ahh Lung, Guan Thai and Xiao Huan. The whole thing didn't turn out so well, and the whole day turns shitty messy!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Kyo wa ii desu

Today is a nice day! Should I put it this way? Ok larrrr, at least evrythin goin smooth & sailing high! Err...mechanics tutorial at least is still words & understandable numbers to me...then the maths lecture, din quite follow coz abit tough.

Then afternoon badminton had the won of a battle wif Han Peng & Daniel. The battle which was nt won for quite a long time liaw...felt nice...thn had singles wif kevin & Roger! Then sparring the cock again, I thk it is very useful lerr, can say increase my skills & way of thinking liaw. Then upgraded my smash & defence mechanism. Nw I can mostly return some of those strong smashes. & the backhand return oso gt more power liaw, not like las time throw half court nia the shuttle then ppl smash down - kill dead.

Errr. Tonite negotiated wif Mr. Ace & Stanley abt those gadgets I wanted to include to as acessories - HDD, DVD-RW, Router. Also, had quite a nice chat wif a new fren. Ano hito no namae wa himitsu desu. Sore ja, matta!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Suteki na yokan!!!

Hey hey, I don't like the idea that I'm starting to laze off on trying to update my blog daily. But I think it's because of those heavy assignment projects I have to handle.

What a sweet feel I had last night upon completion of my 4th program of the project. Okay, now that all the program is completed, I have to write the SDD & OCD for them. Darn, I've tried writing last 2 or 3 days but it doesn't seem to be as "easy" as expected. Shoot --- I don't know if a program having many methods is actually a good thing or this I have to spend my freaking time explaining what each method does & doing its object tables & algorithm. That goes for it! I "sincerely" hope I can finish the manual by this week. The due date was supposed to be sunday the 15th, but there is a possibility it will be postponed to 29th. The Auzzie kids are voting for the deadline.

This morning I managed to wrap up what is supposed to be done on tomorrow's oral presentation. Hmm, I had to spend the whole night yesterday to finish the program, neglecting the task that I should be memorizing or rather, familiarizing my script. Well, I think I can handle the script today & be off for the presentation tomorrow.

Heard Mr Ace may be coming back earlier than the expected DOA. Hmm, operation seek & take has to be initiated ASAP. But he's under heavy fire for the foundation "Grand Finale". Hope he could do it fine & get the scholarships. Hehehe!

Friday, May 06, 2005

No blog entries for a week!? Wah Kao ehh!!!

Errhmm, I wish to apologize to myself(erhmm, sounds kinda stupid) & to Mr. Ace for the delay of these supposedly daily updates cereals for him, though it doesn't meant for that way!

Ermm, well, you know I wouldn't wanna write what happened in the past few days...I was quite & STILL busy with the computing assignment which is due on 15th MAY 2005. Hmm, the programming is fun but it gets very annoying when it comes to handling the SDD( Software Design Description) & OCD( Object Centred Design methodology) report. Darn, why write these? Well, I know it is always professional to produce a design "manual" for your programmes but at these no, I can't put it this way......Actually, this kind of education & expectation is what I've always been looking to when I was in secondary high, but when it really comes to doing it, sometimes I wouldn't feel so good!

Why the hell is that? I wouldn't really know but it seems that learning through this way is likely to get us going far. And going far enough doesn't seem to be the point, then what is? If I knew, I wouldn't be here anymore, would I?

Today the IEPS windmill indicator intructional tutorial was cancelled. At 9am we had to attend a seminary talk on "IE Aust & I Mech E". They are actually international engineering institutions, similar to the IEM of Malaysia. Seems like they want to get us in as student members, okay, this time I have no prejudice whatsoever to their proclaims. I Mech E seems very prestigeous as it was formed in the 19th century England. These kind of setting always give me the best of impression. But alas, being a student member for IE Aust is free but upon graduating we'll have to pay since they assume we're working by then. Hmm, joining them is definitely one of my plans.

Yeah, one more thing, one of the representatives (an elder) asked us an interesting question: Why choose Engineering? Nobody really answered......then they start "pissing" people off saying "Because my father asked me to, because my mum asked me to, because my parents......."........Demo sa, chigau sono koto wa. I really wanted to say I entered the mechanical faculty because I wanted to design or at least participate in creating new engines or propulsion systems for the future machines. Is there a way to create an engine that doesn't need jet fuel as their combustion fuel? What about electricity? Hmm, it doesn't seem able to even compete with jet fuel in energy density. What else? Is nitrogen possible? If not for the sake of using conventional combustion methods for jet thrust, is there any new way of creating propulsion force for the aircraft?

Then comes the hunt for Mr. Vladimir Rikov, our so called supervisor for the IEPS wind-indicator project whose not even in charge of the project. We talked to him about our grouping matter but.......His instructions were completely different from Maharajar's (Our tutor in charge of the project). Okay, now the hunt turns to Rajar......Ohh you bet it was shitty. Then we went to the Chem Building where we FINALLY get to see our good old Robin (The mechanics tutor in charge of practicals). Yeah yeah, we got him to "solve" some of the anomalies in our lab sheet.

PS: Yeah, for those who think you're not tall enough, you might wanna take a look at this: