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Thursday, May 12, 2005

Kyo wa ii desu

Today is a nice day! Should I put it this way? Ok larrrr, at least evrythin goin smooth & sailing high! Err...mechanics tutorial at least is still words & understandable numbers to me...then the maths lecture, din quite follow coz abit tough.

Then afternoon badminton had the won of a battle wif Han Peng & Daniel. The battle which was nt won for quite a long time liaw...felt nice...thn had singles wif kevin & Roger! Then sparring the cock again, I thk it is very useful lerr, can say increase my skills & way of thinking liaw. Then upgraded my smash & defence mechanism. Nw I can mostly return some of those strong smashes. & the backhand return oso gt more power liaw, not like las time throw half court nia the shuttle then ppl smash down - kill dead.

Errr. Tonite negotiated wif Mr. Ace & Stanley abt those gadgets I wanted to include to as acessories - HDD, DVD-RW, Router. Also, had quite a nice chat wif a new fren. Ano hito no namae wa himitsu desu. Sore ja, matta!


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