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Friday, May 06, 2005

No blog entries for a week!? Wah Kao ehh!!!

Errhmm, I wish to apologize to myself(erhmm, sounds kinda stupid) & to Mr. Ace for the delay of these supposedly daily updates cereals for him, though it doesn't meant for that way!

Ermm, well, you know I wouldn't wanna write what happened in the past few days...I was quite & STILL busy with the computing assignment which is due on 15th MAY 2005. Hmm, the programming is fun but it gets very annoying when it comes to handling the SDD( Software Design Description) & OCD( Object Centred Design methodology) report. Darn, why write these? Well, I know it is always professional to produce a design "manual" for your programmes but at these no, I can't put it this way......Actually, this kind of education & expectation is what I've always been looking to when I was in secondary high, but when it really comes to doing it, sometimes I wouldn't feel so good!

Why the hell is that? I wouldn't really know but it seems that learning through this way is likely to get us going far. And going far enough doesn't seem to be the point, then what is? If I knew, I wouldn't be here anymore, would I?

Today the IEPS windmill indicator intructional tutorial was cancelled. At 9am we had to attend a seminary talk on "IE Aust & I Mech E". They are actually international engineering institutions, similar to the IEM of Malaysia. Seems like they want to get us in as student members, okay, this time I have no prejudice whatsoever to their proclaims. I Mech E seems very prestigeous as it was formed in the 19th century England. These kind of setting always give me the best of impression. But alas, being a student member for IE Aust is free but upon graduating we'll have to pay since they assume we're working by then. Hmm, joining them is definitely one of my plans.

Yeah, one more thing, one of the representatives (an elder) asked us an interesting question: Why choose Engineering? Nobody really answered......then they start "pissing" people off saying "Because my father asked me to, because my mum asked me to, because my parents......."........Demo sa, chigau sono koto wa. I really wanted to say I entered the mechanical faculty because I wanted to design or at least participate in creating new engines or propulsion systems for the future machines. Is there a way to create an engine that doesn't need jet fuel as their combustion fuel? What about electricity? Hmm, it doesn't seem able to even compete with jet fuel in energy density. What else? Is nitrogen possible? If not for the sake of using conventional combustion methods for jet thrust, is there any new way of creating propulsion force for the aircraft?

Then comes the hunt for Mr. Vladimir Rikov, our so called supervisor for the IEPS wind-indicator project whose not even in charge of the project. We talked to him about our grouping matter but.......His instructions were completely different from Maharajar's (Our tutor in charge of the project). Okay, now the hunt turns to Rajar......Ohh you bet it was shitty. Then we went to the Chem Building where we FINALLY get to see our good old Robin (The mechanics tutor in charge of practicals). Yeah yeah, we got him to "solve" some of the anomalies in our lab sheet.

PS: Yeah, for those who think you're not tall enough, you might wanna take a look at this:


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