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Monday, April 25, 2005

Endless Waltz

ERR, went to GP quite early today, not went there early but went out early, with both my parents, had dinner at Seng Guan cafe.

Work was smooth today, considerably less customer today, what a catch! I saw 2 new faces, old employees though, one of whose name is Yik Jie, tall guy, damn, kids r getting taller these days. Or was it that the ones working there are picked to be tall?

Anyway, went to the evening mass at St. Joseph, Father Michael Sia was the one giving the gospel and talk after that.....aih, I didn't quite listen, really can't grab a word he's talking. At night, planned to read mechanics AGAIN, but alas, not much progress......then Mr Ace "force" me to write my blog, DIU....ohh ya, according to him, today there was a few group of people scouting his lair. He's gonna move soon, to Semenyih. Dis kia, really dunno how to appreciate chance 1......ask her mah, sit ther gao ahh?

Ohh ya, I also looked up information on Waltz (original word from German: Walzen, means to roll, turn & glide), the standard or international ballroom dance. Wow, it has a, how to say? kinda good history, hahahaha, makes me really like da dance...graceful lerr. Hope can learn it well in my nx few lessons!!!


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