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Sunday, April 10, 2005

Tiresome day!

Stayed at home whole morning, watched the DB movies series, wanna finish it quick.......Finally got those downloaded finished by today, watched all of 'em.

1pm, Kevin came & pick me up, there we're off to Dewan Suarah to help out the CutEC set up the whole place for the Annual IEM Dinner, didn't quite know the function until we(Roger, Kevin & I) were there. Blew balloons, quite a number of them, rehearse abit, moving platforms & chairs around, waiting for the event to come tonight.

There goes 6pm, I went to pick Kevin, off we go to Dewan Suarah again, this time we're wearing nice clothes......hehe, but still, we're uninvited "guests" or should I put it as "volunteer"......hehehe, anyway, it was quite fun, what an experience, got to see those faces of engineers around, so many at this 1 time. Everything went on smoothly. Yeah, during the orchestra play, there's some junior we met, 1 of them kinda look like K-chan.

Yeap, we didn't really eat much, but it was quite okay, after the function was done, we went home soon enough, still got another job to do tommorow(Sunday), 1st time working part-time at Grand Palace, hope it'll be smooth......tired I am now & sleepy too!


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