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Thursday, April 14, 2005

Days are getting tougher by the Days

Well, I didn't write my blog for 2 days, I don't think I want to write the last 2, hehehehe, tired.......Just now I've finished the report on our site visit last friday, the report was on air-conditioning systems, large scale ones.

Wahh, basically we dig everything up from the net, plus 80% help from notes our friends gave us. Dude, took me 3 hours to complete it, not adding reading time, DIU......

Ahh, what else? yeah, the computing quiz is getting harder and harder. Out time is getting shorter & shorter, I still have 2 assignments pending next week, of which both of them I've not really started. well, it's gonna be one hell of a ride through this common first year......Hopefully, I'll be able to "buy" some time for other things.

Hmm, nothing really happened today, everyday seems to be boring to me, at least at the moment. Plus, there's just too much pressure to take, but I hope it'll make me stronger. There's a need for a change!!!

Nice song: The Notorious MSG - Dim Sum Girl


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