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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Grand Finale of Research Report

Haih haih, this morning i finally get my chance of finishing the research report once and for all, nice, one down, another to go!

The whole day in school, mechanics quiz was the first to come, gladly it was MCQ, done it, not really sure with some of the questions, but I guess it's alright, I suddenly feel broader by the horizon when all those fussy things were completed.

The afternoon, had my computing lab session, one question took the whole session, 2 hours, damn, damn those modular methods, but seems it's the only way for good programmes to run, no choice, we stay we fight.

Got home around 5, get showered and rushed up to use my BenQ, hahaahaha, then nw, taking my sweet time!

MONDAY 18th April 2005

Nothing special happened at school, morning computing tutorial, introducing boolean methods......then mechanics lecture, talked with roger on the research topic, didn't pay attention to the lecture either. That afternoon, maths tutorial, quiz again, aihhh, nearly fall......gladly with some helping hands from my comrade, I got through. Really appreciate them alot!

At night, didn't do much on my report, managed to finish the conclusion part, the recommendations part will be done the day after, hopefully can finish in time......slept!

Sunday 17th April 2005

Err, went to morning mass at Carmelite church. There were soooo many people at our usual sitting place, strangely! Went home after that, went out to eat at Piasau food court with my family, had the fried kueh tiaw again, as always! Da pao again coz family will not be at home in the afternooon, they're going swimming. I'll be alone at home, struggling to complete my report.

I've wasted Saturday and now I'm striving hard to complete the main section of the report, haih, this report can say is one of my best work so far, I've put in much dedication though, thinking & rethinking how to write and really considering the effectiveness of my report, hehehe!

Not wasting time, the report is actually fun and giving me some real information on future directions. Will seek to do more research of this kind!

For now, tata, ohh yeah, today finished downloaded swat 4 i think, or burnt? Hehe......


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