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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Mark

Yesterday was the mark of the end of semester 1, with the grand finale exam - Engineering Computing 100. As expected, the test was quite in fact, a hell of an exam. Things aren't looking good for all of us. But since it concerns all of us, situations are quite the contrary, we might get a better chance of surviving because if we float, we float together; if we sink, we might as well drown ourselves. It's a relative kind of thinking, when you've broaden your horizon to the limit of not that of this physical world, but a frame out of this frame.

Well, today I got to continue "The Prince of Persia: Warrior Within" & "LOTR: Battle For Middle Earth". Also, tomorrow would be the last lesson for my dancing class. The dance I'm learning now is the ballroom dance known as Waltz. I like this dance alot compared to Cha Cha, I don't know how to describe the reasons, I guess I just like the style & beat of this dance. Gorgeous!


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